
Annual Ryegrass

Annual Ryegrass

Annual Ryegrass


Extending the grazing season while protecting and building the soil is a great benefit of this species.

The biomass N content can range from 1.3-2.4% this can vary depending on the amount of residual N left from the previous crop. Reports of annual ryegrass having the potential to scavenge up to 230kg of residual N/Ha/yr have been recorded.

Ryegrass can be very successfully broadcast into established row crops. Winter killed ryegrass can still provide weed suppression, soil protection and trap residual N until spring.

Ryegrass attracts very few pest insects that could pester the next crop. With lower needed seeding rates per acre means you will spend less of freight an your applicator can remain in the drill or in the air longer.

KEYWORDS: organic matter, quick cover, rapid growth, soil rejuvenation, weed suppressor,erosion control, forage, grazing, infiltration, loosen top soil, mycorrhizal, nutrient scavenger
